Life Like Silicone Sex Dolls: How to make the experience?
So you went out and invested in a luxury silicone sex doll? Great choice! You’re off to a strong start, and you’ve already completed the first step in this guide.
Once you have your doll though, what can be done to make your experience as realistic and life like as possible? Well, here’s how it’s done:
Clothing and Lingerie
This might be obvious but if you want to have the most realistic experience with your doll then you should buy some outfits and lingerie for her. Dressing and undressing your doll will help to build intimacy, and make your doll appear more like a real girl. Also, through buying a variety of outfits you can play our a multitude of fantasies with your doll, for example, many of our customers like to dress their dolls in school girl outfits.
Makeup and Hair
This one requires a bit more work than putting a sexy outfit on your doll, but it can make all the difference. Real girls spend hours on their hair and makeup, you don’t have to do this with your doll (unless you want to), but applying simple water-soluble makeup can really improve the life like appearance of your doll.
Hair is another aspect that should be well maintained. It is important to keep your doll’s hair clean and brushed so that it stays untangled and silky, just like a real girl’s hair would be.
For tips on how to care for your doll’s hair and makeup see here.
Warming the Doll
Warming up a cold doll to near human body-temperature is a great way to improve the pleasure your derive from sex with your doll, and it is very easy to achieve. All you will need is some warm water. A great way to work this into your routine, and stay safe, is to wash your doll before use with warm water. TPE and Silicon material holds heat very well, this will increase the stimulation you experience with your doll.
There are also electric warming tools that you can buy. The products made specifically for sex toys work very well, as they are designed to not over heat and harm your doll.
Foreplay and Intimacy
Often overlooked when it comes to having a realistic, life like experience with your sex doll, is the power of the human imagination. It’s amazing how intense sex with your doll can be when you allow yourself to pretend Treat your doll as if she were a real girl, prolong the act and build up to it with some foreplay. Learn to appreciate every part of your doll’s body, kiss her, play with her breasts and give her oral sex (this will also help get her body temperature up). Don’t be afraid to get lost in the moment.
After you’re finished it is also helpful to lay with your doll, relax, and cuddle, don’t just put her away for the next time.
Have any tips you’d like to share with other doll owners? Feel free to share below.